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Director - Enclosure Design & Consulting
Ryan Kohl, RRC, Director of Enclosure Design & Consulting, is a firm believer in the value of early project engagement in the development of constructable, resilient, and easily maintained structures. Through his extensive design, investigative, and construction experience, Ryan helps guide architects and contractors with product selections, development of exterior enclosure assemblies, and identifies and provides solutions to difficult details and assembly transitions.
尽管技术专长对他的角色至关重要,但 Ryan 在个人方面表现出色 建筑围护咨询,例如与设计师一起工作以实现审美目标,同时能够制定清晰、简洁和准确的投标文件。在施工期间,Ryan 与建筑师、承包商和安装人员合作,帮助协调跨行业细节设计顺序,减少不可预见的细节设计冲突,识别材料不相容性,并提供现场观察和测试。
在加入 Lerch Bates 之前,Ryan 曾在一家设计/建造开发商担任建筑科学和质量控制项目经理两年,在此之前的 14 年中,他担任围护结构顾问。