City of Sioux Falls Property Damage

Sioux Falls, SD

City of Sioux Falls Property Damage Assessment Project

City of Sioux Falls Property Damage

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City of Sioux Falls Property Damage Assessment Project


Lerch Bates was able to quickly and effectively mobilize their team of building consultants in response to a claim involving over 400 structures in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Lerch Bates’ scope of work was to document the condition of over 400 structures owned and maintained by the City of Sioux Falls for potential damage resulting from a hail event, including libraries, fire stations, the zoo, lighting structures, commercial office buildings, water treatment plant structures, water towers, a minor league baseball park, and convention center.

Lerch Bates quickly mobilized a team of 11 consultants from multiple geographic locations over a three-week period to observe each structure and collect pertinent data. The follow up reporting and cost estimating services were completed within two months of starting.


At a Glance

