State of Utah Capitol Building

Salt Lake City, UT

State of Utah Capitol Building Project

State of Utah Capitol Building

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State of Utah Capitol Building Project


The Utah State Capitol Building, located in Salt Lake City, spans 320,000 square feet and stands on four floors, plus a basement. It was completed in 1916 and features a neoclassical design with a prominent dome inspired by the U.S. Capitol. The building houses the chambers for the Utah Legislature, offices for the governor and lieutenant governor, and serves as a symbol of Utah’s government. Lerch Bates began working on this परियोजना in 2023 and is projected to be completed in 2025.

मरम्मत + आधुनिकीकरणलंबवत परिवहनसरकार

एक नजर में


State of Utah, DFCM

परियोजना का आकार

320,000 square feet