145 Hudson Street

New York, NY

145 Hudson Street Façade Project

145 Hudson Street

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145 Hudson Street Façade


This pre-war building in New York was utilized as a printing facility for approximately 70 years, recently converted to a mixed-use residential/commercial project. During the conversion process, it was determined that the building facade had both structural and weathering deficiencies, which required substantial remediation and replacement of facade components. All window walls, which were originally industrial steel sash, were replaced with narrow sightline custom aluminum windows to emulate the industrial sightlines. Concrete lintels were rebuilt and structural masonry piers were reconstructed incorporating advanced weatherproofing materials and methods. The occupants now enjoy reduced sound transmission, reduced solar heat gain, and a weather-tight facade. The podium, which consists of cast stone and bronze storefront, was reconstructed to comply with the original design and landmark preservation requirements.

Repair + ModerniseEnclosures & StructuresHistoricMixed-useResidential

At a Glance


145 Hudson Associates


Historic, Residential, Mixed-Use


Joseph Lombardi and Roger Marvel Associates